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Creating a Patient Web Service Provider

Creating a Patient Web Service Provider

Written by Michael.Czapski@sun.com Updated By Mriganka Banerjee

In the below document written by Michael Czapski, he demonstrates how we can write a patient webservice using OpenESB. This patient webservice will allow patient information to be upserted into a database table and will return all patient details for a patient whose Facility+Local ID are specified in the request. This service will be used to populate the patient table and to implement patient lookup portlets, discussed in other walkthroughs in this series. This is a basic Patient Service that hides the specifics of interaction with the patient data store form applications that need to interact with it, by providing a defined interface and web service-based implementation. Thus the data store may change but the service consumers need not. We use Database BC (select, insert, update, null values), SOAP/HTTP BC and BPEL SE.

Document link : PatientSvc

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